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The JumpStart Summer Vacation activity books are a series of activity books published by Entertainment Publications, Inc. in 1999.


The Summer Vacation brand was originally not associated with JumpStart. It was owned by Entertainment Publications Inc., which published new releases annually during the late 90s and early 2000s. In certain years, Entertainment Publications would collaborate with another company, such as Knowledge Adventure or The Learning Company, to produce Summer Vacation activity books using that company's characters. Only the Summer Vacation books released in 1999 feature JumpStart.


The books in this series are intended for first grade through sixth grade. Each book is aimed at the grade that a student will be entering in the upcoming school year. For example, the second grade activity book is aimed at students who have just finished first grade, and are entering second grade once summer vacation ends.

Each book takes inspiration from one of the JumpStart Classic series games, and contains a wide variety of activities which are designed to keep students engaged over summer vacation. The books aren't strictly educational, although many of the activities encourage thinking, reading, and productivity.

List of Books[]



  • Some educational games series besides JumpStart that were featured in Summer Vacation activity books in other years include the Reader Rabbit and ClueFinders series.